L I S T...O F.. W O R K S H O P S

Reverse Die T-Shirts


Paper Folding: Airplanes to Origami

Watercolor I and II

The Wonderful Dangerous World of Oil Painting

Observational Drawing: Botanicals



Sculpting with Baker's Clay

Scrapbooking from Scrap

Calligraphy I and II


For full descriptions email: susanordahl@mac.com


S U S A N .. O R D A H L
W O R K S H O P S.............. L I N K S .............. B I O G R A P H Y .............. C O N T A C T
C R E A T I V E.....W O R K S H O P S.....W I T H.....W E S T C H E S T E R.....A R T I S T