L I S T...O F.. W O R K S H O P S

Reverse Die T-Shirts

Paper Folding: Airplanes to Origami

Watercolor I and II

The Wonderful Dangerous World of Oil Painting

Observational Drawing: Botanicals



Sculpting with Baker's Clay

Scrapbooking from Scrap

Pastels I and II

Calligraphy I and II




S U S A N .. O R D A H L
W O R K S H O P S.............. L I N K S .............. B I O G R A P H Y .............. C O N T A C T
C R E A T I V E.....W O R K S H O P S.....W I T H.....W E S T C H E S T E R.....A R T I S T

R E V E R S E ...D I E ..T - S H I R T S
with Westchester Artist Susan Ordahl

Publicity blurb: This very creative technique allows even the youngest designer to create an exciting T-shirt design that will impress their friends and family members all summer long. Letters, necklaces, plastic animals, branches, leaves, and toys will be provided for design inspiration. Sign up and order your T-shirt now! Ages 5 (with an adult) and up.

Note: This very popular workshop has a wide appeal and is best held outside in Spring or Fall. The T-shirt to the left was created by a 7 year old girl and the other two photos are the back and front of a T-shirt created by a 13 year old boy.